Nextar Sales App: carry your business with you everywhere!

Make sales on your mobile POS, register products and customers. Send payment receipts and track all sales quickly and easily. It's more than a sales app, it's the best alternative to take full advantage of the mobility potential of your phone!

Main sale screen of the Nex system app showing some selected items and the completed sale screen

Make sales on your mobile POS, register products and customers. Send payment receipts and track all sales quickly and easily. It's more than a sales app, it's the best alternative to take full advantage of the mobility potential of your phone!

Online and Offline Sales.

Online and Offline Sales.

Sell through your mobile device, without the need for a computer, physical store, or internet connection. The sales and management app from Nex works both online and offline.

Track everything in real time.

Check the most important events of your business, from anywhere, in real time and from any device. Control and security for you!

Nextar app sales history screen

Product and customer registration.

Product and customer registration.

Register your products quickly and keep your customer list up to date through the Nex app.


Take your store in your pocket! The Nex business management app allows you to control all transactions in your business

Point of sale in the palm of your hand

Now you have an app to manage your business conveniently: register products, register customers and make online and offline sales for free!

Sell from home, on social media, or even from your physical store, taking advantage of the mobility of your phone, with or without internet.

Check out the benefits that the free Nex sales app offers

Your business will becomes more digital
More agility to your sales
Dados salvos na nuvem
Sell wherever you are
More Convenience for your customers.

App for inventory control

product registration screen of the app nex

App for inventory control

Use the mobility of your phone to your advantage for your business! Register your inventory from anywhere, directly in the cloud, without needing a computer. With the Nex app, you can register:

  • Sales Price.
  • Cost Price.
  • Product Code.
  • Product Pictures.

App for Customer Registration

App for Customer Registration

Customer registration is a great marketing tool. The more information you have, the better you can serve each customer, increasing the chances of loyalty.Through your mobile phone, with the Nex app, you can register:

  • Name.
  • Phone Number.
  • E-mail.
  • Address.
Product registration screen of the sales app Nex

App with issuance of purchase and sale receipts.

Screen of the sales receipt generated by the Nex sales application(

App with issuance of purchase and sale receipts.

It is a safe, practical, and cost effective way for your customers to check the products and values of each purchase.

Send the payment receipt of your sales to your customers through social media or email.

It is a safe, practical, and cost effective way for your customers to check the products and values of each purchase.

Send the payment receipt of your sales to your customers through social media or email.

Seu comércio ainda mais profissional com o Nex para computadores

Torne sua gestão ainda mais completa, combinando o uso do app de vendas do Nex com a versão do computador de forma integrada. No Plano Free, você tem acesso a recursos como: vendas, categorias, cadastro de produtos e cadastro de clientes.

Assinando um dos planos pagos, você também tem acesso a recursos profissionais de gestão direto do computador!São ferramentas que fazem total diferença no controle do seu negócio, como:

Controle de estoque

Controle de estoque

Cadastre produtos e fornecedores, defina estoque mínimo e máximo e controle a validade dos itens.

Controle de caixa

Controle de caixa

Realize abertura e fechamento facilmente e controle todas as movimentações do seu caixa.

Controle de usuários

Controle de usuários

Cadastre múltiplos usuários e defina quais recursos podem ser acessados por cada vendedor.

Controle de orçamentos

Controle de orçamentos

Escolha dentre os diversos modelos de orçamento e personalize com as informações necessárias.

Contas a pagar

Contas a pagar

Categorize as despesas, consulte o vencimento dos boletos e receba relatórios por período.

Catálogo e pedido online

Catálogo e pedido online

Cadastre seus produtos, crie um site de vendas gratuito e comece a vender online agora mesmo!

Ver planos

Make your business even more professional with Nex for computers.

Make your management even more complete by combining the use of Nex's sales app with the computer version in an integrated way.
Nex system sales main screen
In the Free Plan, you have access to features such as: sales, categories, product registration and customer registration.

By subscribing to the premium plan, you also have access to professional management resources directly from your computer!

Tools that make a difference in controlling your store:
Click here and check our Plans and Prices

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O Nex é compatível com Windows 7 ou superior


There is a Nextar team prepared to solve any doubt  that you might have using our APP. Click here

Frequently asked questions

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